Sunday, November 9, 2014


There is an opportunity almost every minute to get offended, offend someone, forgive, or be forgiven. We go through our days not realizing how easily our choices affect others. In a moment we can turn someones life around forever and make a wonderful impact. In the very next moment, we can make such an impact that someone else comes crashing down. We have all been the giver and the receiver in these cases. Maybe not to those extremes, but we all affect each other for good or for bad. Since we are human, we are far from perfect and every time we speak or do something or don't do something, something will come of it.

   The point of this post is, we all have a choice. Do we hold on to this? Or do we let go and just forgive.

What drives us to hold on to anger, hurt, and frustration?

Who does it really hurt?

Who does it help?

I would love to hear what people think on this topic. I know my answer, but I will wait to post until tomorrow. Hope to get some feed back.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Superstition (noun)

A belief or way of behaving that is based on fear of the unknown and faith in magic or luck: a belief that

certain events or things will bring good or bad luck.

Wow, that's a pretty strong word to let control one's day. I'm so thankful I'm not superstitious, because that

would mean that I live my life based on fear and that definitely is not me. I currently have a broken mirror in

my basement and yes, I use it almost every day. I was taught certain superstitious behaviors when I was

young, probably all of your most common ones, but over the years, I have come to realize that picking up a

face down penny will not be the reason for some horrible event, but we can allow fear to dictate the things

we will or will not do, and only then does it have any kind of hold o us. I liked this subject today because it

gave me the opportunity to obtain an even deeper understanding of just how powerful fear can be in a

person's life if we allow it to be.

Monday, October 27, 2014

I know I have joined the October daily blog journey kind of late, but I just started my page the other day. So today is the task of writing a letter to my younger self.

Dear Younger Me,

   I want to tell you that everything in your life will be perfect and that you won't ever have any battles, but that would be a lie. You will face many battles, some you bring on yourself, others from those around you. Either way, the one thing I can tell you is stand!!! Never walk away. Things get tough, but they only get better as you learn and grow and understand how to fight your battles. Know what you believe in, keep that close no matter what others say. You will have victory in many areas in your life, but know that you can't control everything, focus more on improving every day, keep your eye on your own choices and do your best to be the best influence for your children. Keep perspective in all circumstances, don't settle for what's inside the box, instead, when the box limits you, think about what you can turn the box into. You are not limited to what the world says about you, you are only limited when you choose to believe it. You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you and you will learn that more and more every time He guides you through something. Just be willing to roll up your sleeves, do the work, stay motivated, believe the best, and be thankful in all things. Choose to be content wherever you are knowing that something new could always be just around the corner. Don't be limited, be drawn to what moves you. When your heart is in something, you're right where you're supposed to be. Never be moved by money but by what is right for you, know that when you are right where you're supposed to be, the rest will fall into place, it will take work but you will be satisfied in it. Good luck, learn from your mistakes but don't let your past hold you back, let the force of the impact of it thrust you forward in your life long adventure.

                                                                      Older Me
 Perspective... So often we live in anticipation of the days to come, we miss the blessings that surround us.
 Perspective... Sometimes we have to seize the moment, because we never know when we might get another one. Good friends are to be cherished.
 Perspective... In quiet times and fun times, treasures don't come in boxes, but in our friends.
Perspective... Friends bring out the silly in us.
Perspective... Friends are great for finding a hide out anywhere.
 Perspective... Good friends will climb the mountains in your life with you.
Perspective... No matter your age, you never out grow goofiness.

Prov. 17:22- A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

John 15:13- There is no greater love than to lay down ones life for one's friends.

Cherish friendships, old and new. God brings new and old friends our way, but they are all precious and hold a special place in our hearts. Thank You God for friends I have had, and friends I have now. They have all played a crucial part in my life, one way or another. Some were good friends, some not so good. But, with a little perspective I see that I have learned something from all of them, so I am thankful for each and every one. 


Storms come in our lives.
The wind blows, the rain falls,
Lightning flashes, thunder crashes.
When storms hit, the sky puts on quite a show,
But when we are calm
And don't allow the loud noises
And bright flashes to distract us,
We are much more capable
Of coming through the wind and the rain.
When we are focused on the Rock
That is not moved by the storm.
The Rock is faithful to calm the storm
Even when we have little faith.

Matthew 7:24-25
Therefore whosoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

Matthew 8: 24-26
And , behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but He was asleep.25 And His disciples came to Him, and awoke Him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish. 26 And He says to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? then He arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Every Word we Speak is a Seed Planted

Every word we speak is a seed planted.
Is it a flower that brings joy?
Is it a fruit that brings sweetness?
Is it a vegetable that brings sustenance?
Is it a tree that brings strength?
Is it a weed that is meant to choke out the good?
We must be mindful of the seeds we plant,
In our own and in others lives!
Plant a garden of beauty and purpose,
So that we may all grow and thrive!
In Jesus Name
It is all for His glory.

The purpose of this page is to encourage everyone who reads it. Whether you believe in God or not, I encourage you to take something positive from what you read. It is my goal to brighten your day. To find a way to share the encouragement God gives me to help me through whatever I may be going through.